Active Status Requirements
​In the event that a member is unable to attend 2/3 of regular Club meetings, they may attain their attendance requirements by working two extra points upon the approval of the Executive Committee.
Fall Semester
Attend 2/3 of regular meetings.
Complete 4 Milk Booth shifts at the NC State Fair, which are defined below, with one traditional Milk Booth Shift required.
1 Traditional Milk Booth shift = 1 Milk Booth Point (no maximum)
1 Junior Show shift = 1 Milk Booth Point (2 point maximum)
2 Silage shifts = 1 Milk Booth Point (1 point maximum)
Number of Halter-Breaking Shifts required for 1 Milk Booth Point to be determined by the Executive Committee each Fall Semester based on the number of opportunities available (1 point maximum)
Participate in three or more of the following:
Community Service event, serving on a committee, or any other event or activity that the Executive Committee deems equivalent.
Spring Semester
Attend 2/3 of regular meetings.
Participate in 6 or more of the following:
Community Service event (including Farm Animal Days, Ag Awareness Week, etc), serving on a committee, or as a Species Chair, and any other event or activity that the Executive Committee deems equivalent .
2 Ag Awareness Week Shifts = 1 service point (1 point maximum)
1 Farm Animal Day Shift = 1 service point (2 point maximum)